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Cold can work wonders. And this has also been proven by studies. Read up and let us convince you!
- W. Papenfuß: “Zum gegenwärtigen Stand der Erforschung und Nutzung von Ganzkörperkälteanwendungen”, Forschungsergebnisse:Eine selektive Literaturstudie zu verschiedenen Einsatzgebieten der Kryosauna, November 2011 Studie für Sportler oder zu anderen Einsatzgebieten
- Poppendieck: “Cooling and performance recovery of trained athletes: a meta-analytical review”, research results: Cooling after exercise has such good effects that it can have a positive impact in competitions; study for athletes, sport, recovery, performance enhancement.
- “THE WHOLE BODY CRYOTHERAPY IN SPORTS INJURIES AND SPORTS RELATED PAIN SYNDROMES TREATMENT D.BIAŁY”, research results: Improvement of recovery phases; less pain and swelling; harder training possible; study on sports, regeneration, training intensity
- Ksiezopolska-Pietrzak K.: “Cryotherapy in osteoporosis”, research results: Rapid improvement of swelling and limitation of mobility; study on osteoporosis, mobility
- Ferreira-Junior: “Could whole-body cryotherapy (below -100°C) improve muscle recovery from muscle damage?”, research results: Inflammatory response is weaker in the short term after training; possibly also long-term effect; study on muscle regeneration, inflammatory response
- Sutkowy: “Physical Exercise Combined with Whole-Body Cryotherapy in Evaluating the Level of Lipid Peroxidation Products and Other Oxidant Stress Indicators in Kayakers”, research results: Training in combination with ice sauna improves performance and possible training intensity (tested on Polish national kayak team); study on performance enhancement of athletes
- Celestyna Mila-Kierzenkowska: “The Effect of Submaximal Exercise Preceded by Single Whole-Body Cryotherapy on the Markers of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Blood of Volleyball Players”, research results: Anti-inflammatory effect; study on sports training, inflammation
- James Selfe: “The Effect of Three Different (-135°C) Whole Body Cryotherapy Exposure Durations on Elite Rugby League Players”, research results: after a 2-minute ice sauna session, positive effects in oxygenation, regeneration; study on performance enhancement / length of ice sauna session
- Sy Ma: “Effects of whole-body cryotherapy in the management of adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder (Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2013)”, research results: Improvement of ROM in adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder with cryotherapy; study on capsulitis, shoulder, mobility
- “Banffi: Whole-Body Cryotherapy in Athletes”, research results: inflammatory substances are reduced. Positive effects on muscle enzymes creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase; overall, however, there are no laboratory changes that suggest doping Study on lactate
- Banffi: “Effects of the whole-body cryotherapy on NTproBNP, hsCRP and troponin I in athletes”, research results: Ice sauna has no negative influence on the heart muscles Study on the heart muscles
- Pournot H: “Time-Course of Changes in Inflammatory Response after Whole-Body Cryotherapy Multi Exposures following Severe Exercise”, research results: Anti-inflammatory substances increase and inflammatory ones decrease with cryotherapy). Study inflammation sports cryosauna
- Winfried Joch: “Precooling as a means of controlling performance in training and competition”, research results: Positive effects have been demonstrated for different load ranges, – at high intensities (anaerobic energy supply: athletics), – at loads of 85% of the individual maximum heart rate, i.e. an average load, – at loads in the GA-1 range (aerobic energy supply: rowing). Study performance aerobic anaerobic sport cryosauna
- Winfried Joch (project leader), Sandra Ückert, Reinhard Fricke: “The importance of short-term and high-dose cold application for the realization of athletic performance”, research results: Performance-enhancing, endurance sports, regeneration-enhancing. Study inflammation sports cryosauna
- Klimek A T, Lubkowska A, Szygula Z, Chudecka M, Fraczek B: “Influence of the ten sessions of the whole body cryostimulation on aerobic and anaerobic capacity”, Research results: Anaerobic capacity is increased, strength and speed study performance sports cryosauna
- “Serial whole-body cryotherapy in the Criostream for inflammatory rheumatic diseases.” Research results: Decrease in proinflammatory parameters including TNFA, improvement of pain in arthritis psoriatica rheumatica, spondylitis; physicotherapeutic agent useful; study on rheumatism, pain, Prof. Dr. Lange
- “Whole-body cryotherapy for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases” Research results: Pain relief also in the long term; thus better mobility and exercise possible; study on rheumatism, pain; Braun
- “WHOLE-BODY CRYOTHERAPY IN INFLAMMATORY AND NON-INFLAMMATORY Rheumatic Diseases”, research results: Decrease in inflammation parameters (CRP), symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatism, fibromyalgia; study on rheumatism, pain, Dr. KARGUS
- “Reduction of drug consumption after whole-body cryotherapy”, research results: Reduction of NSAIDs and cortisone in pain and rheumatism patients possible Study on medication reduction in chron. Pain, Prof. Dr. Papenfuß
- “Whole-Body Cryotherapy in Atopic Dermatitis”, research results: Itching, inflammation decreases, cortisone could be reduced; study on skin diseases
- “Cryotherapy in osteoporosis”, research results: Cryotherapy useful for the prophylaxis and treatment of osteoporosis; study on osteoporosis
- “The importance of whole-body cryotherapy in the rehabilitation of patients with rheumatic diseases”, research results: Pain significantly reduced during the 4-week treatment; study on rheumatism, pain; Déborah Metzger
- “Analgesic effects of natural sulphur baths and cold chamber exposures in fibromyalgia”, research results: Analgesic effects of whole-body cold therapy also in fibromyalgia; study on pain, fibromyalgia; Gutenbrunner
- “COLD CHAMBER EXPOSURES (-67.3°C, 3 MIN) IN FIBROMYALGIA SYNDROMES”, research results: Retrograde pain; study on pain, fibromyalgia; Gutenbrunner
- “Effect of frequent WBC treatments on the back pain therapy in elderly men”, research results: Back pain decreases with almost daily whole body cryotherapy; study on pain, back pain; Giemza
- “Analgesic effect of whole-body cryotherapy”, research results: Cryosauna makes sense as part of pain therapy; study on pain, pain therapy
- “an Whole-Body Cryotherapy with Subsequent Kinesiotherapy Procedures in Closed Type Cryogenic Chamber Improve BASDAI, BASFI, and Some Spine Mobility Parameters and Decrease Pain Intensity in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis?”, Research Results: Increase in Mobility and Decrease in Pain; Study on Pain, Pain Therapy; Stanek
- Kaminska-Staruch A, Olszewski J: “Evaluation of effectiveness of whole-body cryo-therapy in patients with tinnitus.”, Research results: Cryosauna can improve tinnitus Study Tinnitus cryosauna
- Lubowska A, Szygula Z, klimek A J, Masafumi T: “Do sessions of cryostimulation have influence on white blood cell count, level of IL 6 and total oxidative and anti-oxidative status in healthy men?”, Research results: Cryosauna strengthens immune system Study Immune system strengthening cryosauna
- Miller E: Effects of the whole-body cryotherapy on a total antioxidative status and activities of some antioxidative enzymes in blood of patients with multiple sclerosis-preliminary study.”, Forschungsergebnisse: Antioxidant effects; useful as an additional short-term adjunctive therapy for MS Multiple sclerosis
- Rymaszewska J1
“Whole-body cryotherapy as adjunct treatment of depressive and anxiety disorders.”, Research results: Cryosauna as adjunct good for depressive and anxiety disorders Study Ice sauna applications for depression, anxiety therapy
- Benkenstein, Bianka: Whole-body cold therapy for rheumatoid arthritis in patients with high inflammatory disease activity. Inaugural dissertation, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University Greiswald, 2001
- Whole body cryotherapy.
- Köck, R.: Therapy effect in rheumatic diseases, blood pressure behavior, heart rate and skin temperature under a whole-body cold therapy of -110°C or -80°C. Inaugural dissertation, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, 2000
- Whole-body cryotherapy -110°C in the treatment of chronic pain.
- Papenfuß, W.: Mechanisms of action of whole-body cryotherapy. First Austrian Symposium on Whole Body Cryotherapy. Basics and areas of application. Bad Häring 2002
- Papenfuß, W.: The power of cold. Whole-body cold therapy at -110°C. Edition k, Regensburg 1st ed. Engl. 159 p. 2005. 2nd ed. English 143 p. 2006
- Papenfuß, W., Samborski, W., Sobieska, Magdalena: Consensus statement on whole-body cryotherapy (WBCT). Polish Review of Health Sciences 1(6)2006, 99-103
- Ploss, G., Bittermann, K., Teuber, J.: Importance of systemic cryotherapy at -110°C (cold chamber) in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Second Austrian Symposium on Whole Body Cryotherapy. Bad Vöslau 2006
- Effects of the whole-body cold chamber in patients with ankylosing spondylitis.
- Stratz, T. et al.: Experience report on whole-body cryotherapy with the newly developed cold cabin. Z. Phys. Med. Baln. Med. Klim. 18, 383-389/1989
- Waldner, Ingrid, Fuchs, P., Krall, Ch.: Evaluation of the effectiveness of whole-body cryotherapy for spa guests at the Bad Häring and Bad Eisenkappel spa centers. Source: see 5.
- Effect of the cold chamber on inflammatory rheumatic diseases.
- Serial whole-body cryotherapy in the Criostream for inflammatory rheumatic diseases
- The practice of physical activity and cryotherapy in rheumatoid arthritis: systematic review.
- Cryotherapy in inflammatory rheumatic diseases: a systematic review.
- The effect of cryotherapy on total antioxidative capacity in patients with active seropositive rheumatoid arthritis.
- Effects of Whole-Body Cryotherapy in Comparison with Other Physical Modalities Used with Kinesitherapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis.
- Complex rehabilitation and the clinical condition of working rheumatoid arthritis patients: does cryotherapy always overtop traditional rehabilitation?
- Cryotherapy decreases histamine levels in the blood of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
- World Health Organization (2017). Depression and Other Common Mental Disorders. Global Health. Estimates. Accessed on 05.03.2021 under:
- Depressive symptoms in a European comparison – results of the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS)
- Efficacy of the Whole-Body Cryotherapy as Add-on Therapy to Pharmacological Treatment of Depression-A Randomized Controlled Trial.
- The improvement of cognitive deficits after whole-body cryotherapy – A randomized controlled trial.
- Whole-body cryotherapy – promising add-on treatment of depressive disorders.
- Mental state and quality of life after 10 session whole-body cryotherapy.